Drug Class | Sponsor and/or Company | Drug Name | Alt Name | Drug Status | Notes | AIDS# |
A3 Adenosine receptor Agonist | Can-Fite BioPharma | CF102 | CI-IB-MECA | Phase 1/2 | Completed | |
Antihistamine | | Chlorcyclizine | | Phase 1 | Recruiting |
Caspase Inhibitor | Gilead Sciences | GS-9450 | | Phase 2 | Completed | |
Caspase Inhibitor | Conatus Pharmaceuticals Inc; Pfizer | PF-03491390 | IDN-6556 | Phase 2 | Completed | |
Cyclophilin B Inhibitor | Aventis; Scynexis | SCY-635 | | Phase 2 | Completed |
Cyclophilin B Inhibitor | Novartis Pharmaceuticals | NIM-811 | [Me-Ile-4] Cyclosporin A; SDZ-811 | Phase 2 | Completed |
Cyclophilin D Inhibitor | Novartis Pharmaceuticals | Alisporivir | Debio-025; DEB025 | Phase 3 | Terminated |
DGAT1 inhibitor | Novartis Pharmaceuticals | LCQ-908 | LCQ-908-ABA.002 | Phase 2 | Terminated | |
E2 glycoprotein MAb | Mass Biologics | MBL-HCV1 | | Phase 2 | Ongoing, Not Recruiting | |
HCV Entry Inhibitor | ItherX | ITX-5061 | | Phase 1 | Completed | |
HCV Nucleoside Inhibitor | Hoffmann-La Roche | RO-5428029 | | Phase 1 | Completed | |
HCV Polymerase Inhibitor | Idenix Pharmaceuticals | IDX 21459 | | Phase 1 | Terminated | |
HCV Polymerase Inhibitor | Idenix Pharmaceuticals | IDX-184 | | Phase 2 | Completed |
HCV Polymerase Inhibitor | Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorporated | Lomibuvir | VX-222; VCH-222 | Phase 2 | Completed |
HCV Polymerase Inhibitor | Pharmasset/Roche | Mericitabine | RG-7128; RO-5024048 | Phase 2 | Completed |
HCV Polymerase Inhibitor | Merck | MK-3281 | | Phase 1 | Terminated |
HCV Polymerase Inhibitor | Merck | MK-8408 | | Phase 2 | Recruiting | |
HCV Polymerase Inhibitor | Viropharma; Pfizer; Gilead Sciences | Nesbuvir | HCV-796 | Phase 2 | Completed |
HCV Polymerase Inhibitor | Hoffmann-La Roche | Setrobuvir | ANA-598 | Phase 2 | Completed |
HCV Polymerase Inhibitor | Theravance Biopharma | TD-6450 | TF-6450 | Phase 1 | Completed | |
HCV Polymerase Inhibitor | Gilead Sciences | Tegobuvir | GS-9190; GS-333126 | Phase 2 | Completed |
HCV Polymerase Inhibitor | Medivir; Tibotec Pharmaceuticals | TMC-649128 | | Phase 1 | Terminated | |
HCV Polymerase Inhibitor | Gilead Sciences | GS-9669 | | Phase 2 | Completed |
HCV Polymerase Inhibitor | Gilead Sciences | GS 6620 | | Phase 1 | Completed |
HCV Polymerase Inhibitor | Pfizer | Filibuvir | PF-00868554 | Phase 2 | Completed |
HCV Polymerase Inhibitor | Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals | Deleobuvir | BI-207127 | Phase 3 | Completed | |
HCV Polymerase Inhibitor | Abbott (AbbVie) | Dasabuvir | ABT-333 | Phase 3 | Recruiting | |
HCV Polymerase Inhibitor | Idenix Pharmaceuticals | Valopicitabine | NM-283 | Phase 2 | Completed |
HCV Polymerase Inhibitor | Roche | Balapiravir | R-1626; RO-4588161 | Phase 2 | Completed | |
HCV Polymerase Inhibitor | Alios | ALS-2200 | VX-135 | Phase 2 | Completed | |
HCV Polymerase Inhibitor | Alios BioPharma | AL-335 | | Phase 1 | Recruiting | |
HCV Polymerase Inhibitor | Achillion | ACH-3102 | | Phase 2 | Completed |
HCV Polymerase Inhibitor | Abbott (AbbVie) | ABT-072 | | Phase 2 | Completed | |
HCV Polymerase Inhibitor | Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals | BILB 1941 | | Phase 1/2 | Completed | |
HCV Protease Inhibitor | Abbott (AbbVie) | ABT-450 | | Phase 3 | Recruiting | |
HCV Protease Inhibitor | Abbott (AbbVie) | ABT-493 | | Phase 2 | Recruiting | |
HCV Protease Inhibitor | Bristol-Myers Squibb | Asunaprevir | BMS-650032 | Phase 3 | Ongoing, Not Recruiting |
HCV Protease Inhibitor | Bristol-Myers Squibb | Beclabuvir | BMS-791325 | Phase 3 | Ongoing, Not Recruiting |
HCV Protease Inhibitor | Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals | Ciluprevir | BILN 2061 | Phase 2 | Completed |
HCV Protease Inhibitor | Intermune; Roche | Danoprevir | RG-7227; ITMN-191 | Phase 2 | Completed |
HCV Protease Inhibitor | Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals | Faldaprevir | BI-201335 | Phase 3 | Completed |
HCV Protease Inhibitor | TaiGen Biotechnology | Furaprevir | TG-2349 | Phase 2 | Not Yet Recruiting | |
HCV Protease Inhibitor | Gilead Sciences | GS-9256 | | Phase 2b | Completed | |
HCV Protease Inhibitor | Idenix Pharmaceuticals | IDX-320 | | Phase 1/2 | Completed | |
HCV Protease Inhibitor | Rottapharm Madaus | Legalon™ | Sil; SHS; Silibinin sodium hemisuccinate | Phase 2/3 | Terminated |
HCV Protease Inhibitor | Schering-Plough | Narlaprevir | SCH-900518 | Phase 2 | Completed |
HCV Protease Inhibitor | Presido | Ravidasvir | PPI-668 | Phase 2/3 | Recruiting |
HCV Protease Inhibitor | Merck | Vanihep™(Japan) | Vaniprevir; MK-7009 | Phase 3 | Completed |
HCV Protease Inhibitor | Gilead Sciences | Vedroprevir | GS-9451 | Phase 2 | Completed |
HCV Protease Inhibitor | Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorporated | VX-985 | | Phase 1 | Completed | |
HCV Protease Inhibitor | Merck | Grazoprevir | MK-5172 | Phase 3 | Recruiting |
HCV Replication Inhibitor | Abbott (AbbVie) | ABT-530 | | Phase 2 | Active, Not Recruiting | |
HCV Replication Inhibitor | Novartis Pharmaceuticals | Zalbin™ | Albinterferon; Albuferon; alb-IFN | Phase 2 | Completed |
HCV Replication Inhibitor | Valeant Pharmaceuticals; Kadmon Pharmaceuticals | Taribavirin | Viramidine; Ribamidine; ICN-3142 | Phase 3 | Completed |
HCV Replication Inhibitor | Achillion | Sovaprevir | ACH-0141625; ACH-1625; Prodrug of ACH-1095 | Phase 2 | Completed |
HCV Replication Inhibitor | Idenix Pharmaceuticals | Samatasvir | IDX-719; IDX-380; MK-1894 | Phase 1/2 | Completed |
HCV Replication Inhibitor | Presidio Pharmaceuticals; Ascletis | PPI-461 | | Phase 1b | Completed |
HCV Replication Inhibitor | Abbott (AbbVie) | Ombitasvir | ABT-267 | Phase 3 | Recruiting |
HCV Replication Inhibitor | Gilead Sciences | Ledipasvir | GS-5885 | Phase 3 | Recruiting |
HCV Replication Inhibitor | GlaxoSmithKline | GSK2336805 | JNJ56914845 | Phase 2a | Completed |
HCV Replication Inhibitor | Gilead Sciences | GS-9857 | | Phase 2 | Recruiting | |
HCV Replication Inhibitor | Gilead Sciences | GS-5816 | | Phase 2 | Not Yet Recruiting | |
HCV Replication Inhibitor | Merck | Elbasvir | MK-8742 | Phase 2/3 | Recruiting | |
HCV Replication Inhibitor | Novartis Pharmaceuticals | EDP-239 | | Phase 1 | Active, Not Recruiting | |
HCV Replication Inhibitor | Bristol-Myers Squibb | Daclatasvir | BMS-790052 | NDA | 2015 |
HCV Replication Inhibitor | Eiger BioPharmaceuticals | Clemizole | | Phase 1b | Completed |
HCV Replication Inhibitor | ZymoGenetics; Bristol-Myers Squibb | BMS-914143; PEG-rIL-29 | (man-made IL-29); PEG_IFN_lambda; BMS-914143 | Phase 3 | Completed | |
HCV Replication Inhibitor | Bristol-Myers Squibb | BMS-824393 | | Phase 2a | Withdrawn | |
HCV Replication Inhibitor | Arrow Theraputics | AZD-7295 | | Phase 2 | Completed |
HCV Replication Inhibitor | Romark | Alinia™ | Nitazoxanide; Xerovirin-C | Phase 2/3 | Completed |
Immunomodulator | Cytheris SA | CYT107 | Glyco-r-hIL-7; Interleukin-7 | Phase 1/2a | Completed |
Immunomodulator | Biocad | Algeron | Cepeginterferon alfa 2b | Phase 3 | Recruiting | |
Immunomodulator | Anadys Pharmaceuticals | ANA-773 | RO-6864018 | Phase 1 | Completed | |
Immunomodulator | Dynavax Technologies Corporation | SD101 | | Phase 1 | Completed | |
Immunomodulator | Idera Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | IMO-2125 | | Phase 1 | Completed | |
Immunomodulator and Anti-inflammatory | Novelos Therapeutics; Cellectar Biosciences | NOV-205 | BAM-205 (Glutathione and Inosine); Molixan | Phase 2 | Completed | |
Interferon alpha 2b agonist | Biolex Therapeutics | Locteron™ | Controlled Release Interferon alpha 2a | Phase 3 | Not Yet Recruiting |
MMP inhibitor/Anti-fibrogenic | Conatus Pharmaceuticals Inc. | CTS-1027 | | Phase 2 | Completed | |
MicroRNA Inhibitor | Santaris Pharma | Miravirsen | Anti-miR-122; SPC-3649 | Phase 2 | Ongoing, Not Recruiting | |
Natural Product | PhytoHealth Corporation | PHN-121 | | Phase 1/2 | Terminated | |
Not Specified | Novartis Pharmaceuticals | BZF-961 | | Phase 1/2 | Completed | |
PD-1 receptor MAb | Bristol-Myers Squibb | Nivolumab | MDX-1106; BMS-936558; ONO-4538 | Phase 1 | Completed | |
Stimulates T-helper cells | SciClone Pharmaceuticals | Golotimod | SCV-07; (gamma-glutamyl-L-tryptophan) | Phase 2 | Completed |
Unknown | Merck | MK-2248 | | Phase 1 | Completed | |
Unknown | Merck | MK-1075 | | Phase 1 | Not Yet Recruiting | |
Unknown | Merck | MK-7680 | | Phase 1 | Recruiting | |
Virucidal/Anti-phosphotidylserine | Peregrine Pharmaceuticals | Tarvacin™ | Bavituximab | Phase 1/2 | Completed | |
toll-like receptor-7 agonist | Gilead Sciences | GS-9620 | | Phase 1 | Completed | |